Ireland offers a highly efficient, clear and certain tax environment for investment funds. Irish investment funds are exempt from Irish tax on their income and gains, irrespective of where their investors are resident. Other than in respect of certain funds which hold interests in Irish real estate (or particular types of Irish real estate related assets), non-Irish investors are not subject to Irish tax on their investment and do not incur any withholding taxes on payments from the fund.
The Association aims to develop the Irish tax environment for the Irish funds industry and to respond effectively to tax regulatory developments and tax issues of industry-level concern in order for Ireland to continue to have a competitive tax regime providing certainty, stability, and transparency.
We input to a range of tax issues and developments, including:
OECD BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) projects
EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directives and other EU initiatives
Common Reporting Standards (CRS)
US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
EU mandatory disclosure rules
EU Financial Transactions Tax (FTT)
Double taxation agreements
Irish Finance Bill process
VAT issues and developments
Initiatives using tax policy to drive the ESR agenda
In the publications, news and other content on this page you can keep up to date with relevant Tax related developments and the work of the Association in this area.