Now Available: Irish Funds Podcasts - Derville Rowland Keynote Address
Friday, 08 December 2023
Listen to the first episode in our new series of recordings from this year’s Irish Funds 10th Annual UK Symposium, which took place on 30 November in London.
This Irish Funds podcast episode features a keynote address from Derville Rowland, Deputy Governor at the Central Bank of Ireland where she provides an update on the key priorities for the Central Bank in the coming year.
Rowland began by noting the changes that have taken place since the first UK Symposium in 2013, from an economic and regulatory perspective and also in the UK. She also noted that the Eurogroup of Finance Ministers has prioritised the issue of private funding and is undertaking an initiative to agree priorities for enhancing Europe's capital and financial markets. The scale of European private financing activities continues to lag behind its international peers and more needs to be done to stimulate European capital markets and diversify European funding sources.
She welcomed the proposed changes under AIFMD 2 and noted that the CBI will move to align the provisions of the domestic framework for loan origination funds with AIFMD 2. The ELTIF will support capital flows into long-term investments in the European real economy and provide retail investors' access to alternate investment strategies and assets.
In relation to resilience, she called out the recent FSB and IOSCO work on investment fund liquidity with the focus for next year being non-bank leverage. On the topic of sustainable finance disclosures, the CBI is providing clarity on disclosure expectations, including the recent industry workshop. The European Commission is likely to consider the introduction of a labelling regime for investment products, which the CBI supports.
We hope you enjoy this episode and be sure to keep an eye out for further podcasts from the UK Symposium coming soon.
Irish Funds Podcasts
Podcasts from Irish Funds, featuring the latest content from our webinars, digital seminars and online conferences.