Ireland’s Women in Finance Charter: 80+ Signatories Representing over 55,000 Employees

Thursday, 07 March 2024

Ireland’s Women in Finance Charter: 80+ Signatories Representing over 55,000 Employees

We are pleased to announce the Women in Finance Charter continues to make progress and now has 80+ signatories, representing over 55,000 employees in Ireland. As the most recent signatory of the Charter, Emily Davy, CEO of Prescient Fund Services in Ireland committed ‘to measure and communicate our progress against the targets established by the Women in Finance Charter and will help to drive change in the gender composition of the Irish financial services industry. We are proud to be members of what we consider to be a very important initiative for Irish financial services.” 

The Charter: Explained

Launched in April 2022, Ireland’s Women in Finance Charter means that for the first time ever, financial services companies, supported by the Government, have come together to ensure increased participation of women at all levels of their businesses. This includes junior, middle, and senior management, leadership and board roles within financial services organisations based in Ireland. Signatories are not just making a public declaration to make their businesses more gender balanced, they are committed as an industry to work together to set targets and timelines. This strategy to increase female participation will make our sector stronger – because more diversity means better decision making. Fostering and harnessing the talent and experience of all women in financial services is crucial in developing a strong pipeline of talent. This will lead to greater diversity of thought, experience and leadership styles in decision making processes, for the economic benefit of the business and the wider community as a whole.

Annual Report for Ireland’s Charter

On 21st June 2023, the Minister of State in the Department of Finance with special responsibility for Financial Services, Credit Unions and Insurance, Jennifer Carroll MacNeill, launched the first annual report for Ireland’s Women in Finance Charter.

The report showed progress in female representation across a number of organisational levels within the 2022 signatory firms, a trend we hope to see continue to the publication of the second annual report later this year.

Become a Signatory

Irish Funds members can start the process of signing up to the Charter by contacting us at

Find out more about how to participate.
