Green Team Network 1st Anniversary: The Green Pledge in Action
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
The Green Team Network (GTN) recently celebrated its one year anniversary with an in-person event highlighting the Green Pledge. Keynote speakers and panellists discussed:
Benefits of taking part in the Green Pledge
The Pledge provides a framework to baseline sustainability actions;
The wide range of individual pledges within the overall Pledge framework means there are quick wins and actionable items that can help build momentum;
The Pledge encourages dialogue and accountability;
The results and output of the Pledge are a good way of providing oversight on a firm's sustainability journey to its key stakeholders.
Common Challenges identified across the firms
Travel is a key carbon output for the industry. Travel should be on needs basis - it requires real focus and meaningful offsetting to reduce the footprint of travel.
Energy is another key factor – it's especially a challenge when the firm doesn't own the building; it's important to work with the landlord/other building occupants to improve sustainability collectively
Working from Home and the Return to Office– a period of re-learning and reversing bad habits is required during this transition stage.
A consensus view emerging from the evening was that while achieving meaningful impact is of course the ultimate aim, the decarbonisation journey itself is also very important. Everyone needs to start somewhere and the Green Pledge provides an entry point to all. Furthermore, all submissions are confidential and results only shared with each participating firm. The Green Pledge is designed to help all firms raise their sustainability game, whether they are early on or well advanced in their efforts. The key messages are (1) Don't Delay and (2)There is plenty of support available.
Read the full update on the Green Team Network website.