Getting Involved: The Time to Read and Time to Count Programmes
Tuesday, 08 November 2022
Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) is seeking businesses to participate in its ‘Time to Read’ and ‘Time to Count’ programmes which support literacy and numeracy in DEIS primary schools across Ireland.
The initiatives involve employees volunteering in a structured and well-organised programme in a local primary school.
Time to Read
One in ten children in Irish primary schools have serious difficulty with reading and writing – this rises to 30% in some disadvantaged schools.
Time to Read provides children in second class with reading support from a business volunteer over a 20-week programme. All business volunteers who participate in this programme receive training and each weekly session consists of reading one-to-one for 30 minutes each with two children.
Time to Count
28% of students in DEIS schools are in the lowest level of maths achievement category. Time to Count strives to address this by building children’s confidence, enjoyment and understanding in solving mathematical problems through fun games and activities.
Business volunteers are matched up with three children for each weekly session, getting involved by playing games using decks of cards, die, stories, and word problems. Over an 8–10-week period, each volunteer completes at least four numeracy sessions, lasting 30 minutes in length.
To get involved
If your firm would like to learn more or get involved in this initiative, please view more information or contact Germaine Noonan, Head of Education, BITCI ( / phone 086 816 0448).