Funds by IOB Professional Qualifications - Applications Closing
Thursday, 09 September 2021
The closing date is fast approaching for application to the Professional Diploma in Applied Alternative Investments and Professional Certificate in International Investment Fund Services. Both programmes are currently delivered fully online.
Professional Diploma in Applied Alternative Investments - The Professional Diploma in Applied Alternative Investments programme provides a unique opportunity to gain a UCD post-graduate qualification in the area of applied alternative investments. It will advance your knowledge and understanding of valuation issues relevant to alternative investments, legal and regulatory considerations and long-term trends in the alternatives arena.
The programme will:
Introduce the principles underpinning asset valuation and risk analysis and provide a foundation for exploring fund valuation drivers relevant to alternative investment funds
Advance your knowledge of long-term trends in the demand for alternative investments
Deepen your knowledge and expertise in the range of alternative investment strategies
Introduce the relevance and importance of alternative investments to various types of investors
Develop your knowledge of legal and regulatory issues affecting alternative investment funds
Students will study one module commencing in October 2021 followed by two modules commencing in January 2022, completing the programme in May 2022. IFS Skillnet funding is also available for the programme. Closing date to apply: 13 September 2021
Professional Certificate in International Investment Fund Services - The Professional Certificate in International Investment Fund Services has been the industry benchmark qualification for many years and has been significantly refocused, updated and enhanced to reflect the many industry developments over recent years. It is a unique and specific programme designed to support the industry’s day-to-day activities. Closing date to register: 30 September 2021
Upon successful completion of this programme graduates will be invited to the Accredited Funds Professional programme, a designation developed by IOB in conjunction with Irish Funds. This designation is an industry badge of excellence that exemplifies funds expertise, client focus and professional standing, supported by lifelong learning.
If you would like any further information on either programme please contact William Lawless at