Regional Spread

Our Industry’s Regional Footprint in Ireland

The regional footprint of the funds and asset management industry in Ireland has continued to grow and develop. While a majority of staff reside in Dublin, the capital accounts for a noticeably smaller share of the working location of staff compared to 2020. There has been an expansion of around 36% in the number of office locations outside of Dublin since the 2020 report, with some firms now having multiple office locations outside the capital.

The industry’s credentials as a nationally distributed employment generator is evident from the almost 9,000 employees who are based outside of Dublin, while almost half of the counties in the Republic of Ireland now have at least one office location within the industry.

The recent growth patterns highlight the contribution of the Irish funds and asset management industry to the Irish Government’s policy on balanced regional development, with employment outside of Dublin accounting for 46% of the total employment in 2023 compared to 38.3% in 2020.

The greater regional spread of employment evident in the industry also supports a wider regional dispersion of incomes, with positive impacts across the country.

Expansion of Regional Employment in Funds and Asset Management in Ireland

The distribution of employment by location of employees also indicates the increased regional spread of economic activity in the industry. The industry now employs individuals living in every county in the Republic of Ireland. This likely reflects the growth of remote working, but also points to the success of the industry in establishing regional locations as well as in Dublin.

Executive Summary: Indecon Assessment of Economic Impact of the Industry on the Irish Economy

Executive Summary: Indecon Assessment of Economic Impact of the Industry on the Irish Economy

The investment funds and asset management industry employs a wide range of highly skilled individuals in Ireland who provide specialist services to enable the establishment, sale, administration and oversight of funds (both Irish and non-Irish domiciled). At the end of 2023, 19,500 full-time equivalent (FTE) persons were directly employed in investment funds and asset management related enterprises.

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